City Rules and Regulations
All files are only available in Finnish

Corporate Services
Corporate Services Rules
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit sociosqu, nam pulvinar sapien tellus viverra class ultrices turpis, montes pretium et odio platea fusce fames. Euismod cum est taciti lacus praesent nulla hendrerit mauris, habitant dictumst porta orci lectus fermentum.
Civil Services
Civil Services Rules
Code of Conduct of the City of Rauma Civil Services
Rent for the premises of the City of Rauma Adult Education Centre and Music Institute and charges for staff services
Fees for the use of Kellariteatteri
Fees for the use of Rauma City Library services
Fees for the City of Rauma sports services
Booking and use rules for the City of Rauma gymnasium
Rules of the Rauma Youth Council
Rules and fees for the museums of Rauma
Music Institute tuition fees
Fundaments for Music Institute fee reductions
Fees and charges for the use of Youth Services
Rules and fees for the use of Rauma-sali
Rules of the Eevi and Jalmari Karhula Fund
Poselli’s rules and fees
Technical Department
Technical Department’s Rules
Code of Conduct of the Technical Department of the City of Rauma
General guidelines for the preparation of proposals to the Technical Board of the City of Rauma and the procedure for submitting opinions
Invoicing and pricing criteria for services provided by the City of Rauma Technical Department
Rental fee for the equipment of the City of Rauma Machinery Office
Charges for work on streets and other public areas in the City of Rauma
City of Rauma timber sales guidelines for Wihertoimi
Waste Management
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit sociosqu, nam pulvinar sapien tellus viverra class ultrices turpis, montes pretium et odio platea fusce fames. Euismod cum est taciti lacus praesent nulla hendrerit mauris, habitant dictumst porta orci lectus fermentum.
Price list for services and products of the City of Rauma’s Technical Department’s Real Estate and Measurement Division
City of Rauma real estate delivery fee
Rauma city guide map sales prices
Fees charged for the preparation or amendment and preliminary interpretation of the plot division of the City of Rauma.
Enviromental Protection’s Rules
City of Rauma Environmental Protection Fee
Environmental protection regulations of the City of Rauma
Code of Conduct for the City of Rauma’s Environmental Department
City of Rauma fishing permit fees
Fishing regulations in the fishing permit area of the City of Rauma
Selection criteria for the recipients of single-family plots in the City of Rauma
Rauman market square rules
City of Rauma marina instructions, seasonal storage instructions for boats and trailers
Annual fees for boat places in the City of Rauma
Water and Waste Management
Rauma Water tax
General terms and conditions for the supply of Rauman Water
City of Rauma agreement on the connection of a property to the water supply system – and its use
Partial reduction of the City of Rauma’s water price for properties above the lower pressure fluctuation level
Non-recovery of minor compensation for misuse of water meters by the City of Rauma
Division of responsibilities between the City of Rauma Water and Sewerage Board and the client.
General regulations of the City of Rauma on connection to the water and sewerage system and use of the system
Principles of the City of Rauma for the construction of the rainwater drainage section of the plot line in sewerage network renovation projects
Operational area of the City of Rauma Sewage Plant
Code of operation of the City of Rauma Water and Sewerage Utility
Waste Management Facility
General waste management regulations of the City of Rauma
City of Rauma and municipality of Eurajoki waste fee rates
City of Rauma and municipality of Eurajoki TSV- waste tax
City of Rauma waste management area boundaries
Operational rules of the Rauma Region Waste Management Plant