Since 1998, the Rauma Youth Council has been a politically and religiously independent group of experts in youth affairs. Under Article 26 of the Local Government Act, it has become one of the city’s statutory lobbying bodies.

The Youth Council promotes the interests of young people and their general well-being and well-being, thereby strengthening their opportunities for participation, influence and action through its membership of the city’s cooperation networks. The Youth Council contributes to the city’s decision-making process, for example by representing young people in city bodies and at the annual Children and Young People’s Consultation Day.

As well as making a difference to society, it is also a fun way to get together. The Youth Council also plans and organises events and activities, such as OtaChill, a music and hang-out event for young people.

The Youth Council operates under the Youth Services and has a two-year term of office. The Youth Council is elected by popular vote and its term of office always starts in January.

Youth Council for the period of activity 1.1.2023-31.12.2024


Hj. Nortamon peruskoulu
Venla Ahtiainen
Pihla Hammarberg
Amanda Helin
Sini Peltomaa
Henna Veijonaho

Nanun koulu
Ella Juuti
Konsta Lauronen

Justus Halminen
Sisu Valavuo

Raumanmeren peruskoulu
Jeanne Moisy
Meisa Valtanen

Rauman Lyseon lukio
Aura Pöyhönen
Lauri Raisto
Vilho Tuominen
Verneri Virtanen
Ramisha Ghimire (varajäsen)

Heidi Aitto-oja
Rosalina Rantala

Nuorisovaltuuston esityslistat

Nuorisovaltuuston pöytäkirjat

Nuorten Rauma

Nuorten Rauman logo, taustaton.