Youth work in schools

School youth work is preventive youth work in secondary schools, with the aim of ensuring a safe school community where young people can thrive. It also aims to promote the participation of pupils, both at school and in their free time, and to make young people’s voices and opinions heard. These activities are planned and organised in cooperation with other youth workers and school staff.

A youth counsellor in schools is a safe and trustworthy adult who meets young people in their daily lives. They provide low-threshold support and help, and develop a sense of community and enjoyment of school. They work in a variety of ways, including after-school activities, bullying prevention, group sessions, individual counselling, events and activities, home-school cooperation – and, of course, cooperation between school and youth services.

Mobile youth work

The City of Rauma Youth Services’ mobile youth work runs from spring to autumn.
You can call Tauno and its instructors to play a variety of outdoor games, barbecue, hang out or even challenge the instructors to a game of beach tennis.

The aim of Youth on the Move is to provide a mobile meeting place for young people during summer weekends. The “Tauno” van is used as a means of transport, with which youth workers travel around Rauma and meet young people at the places they want to go.

Youth on the Move is also involved in various events during the summer.
You can contact Tauno by phone, WhatsApp or SMS,
tel 044 403 6153.

Targeted youth work

Targeted youth work provides young people aged 12-17 with preventive activities with educational and developmental aims. The forms of targeted youth work include individual and group work.

Nuorten Rauma

Nuorten Rauman logo, taustaton.