Youth workshop
The Rauma Youth Workshop is a unit of the City of Rauma that provides training and employment support places for unemployed young people.

During the workshop you will learn new skills and gain work experience by working in different departments of the workshop. You will receive labour market subsidy and a salary from the employment subsidy during the work trial.
During the placement, you will also receive information on employment and training opportunities, guidance on making and implementing your own plans for the future and, if necessary, support in your daily life.
Transport and logistics
In the transport and logistics department, you will receive training in transporting and moving different types of goods. Transport duties include regular trips to the library of the City of Rauma, as well as postal and wholesale trips to the workshop. The Transport and Logistics department is also responsible for inspecting and maintaining the city’s recycling points. In addition, the transport and logistics operations are involved in the recycling and storage of the City of Rauma’s movable property.
The metalworking department offers young people the opportunity to learn the basics of metalworking. The work is commissioned by customers, but the development of the workshop’s own products is also part of the job. Among other things, the workshop makes fireplaces, smoking stoves, ventilation and drying racks and other metal structures, and carries out repair and maintenance work.
In the woodworking department, you will learn the basic techniques of woodworking and be introduced to the most common machines and equipment used in woodworking. The work in the woodworking department is mainly made to customer orders, but the development and manufacture of the workshop’s own products is also part of the job. These products can be small-scale building projects, furniture or birdhouses, for example. The woodworking department also carries out restoration and repair work on old furniture or structures.
Hautamäki Sini-Pilvi
Work Coach, Woodworking Department
Tel. +358 44 793 4566
Cafeteria and kitchen
Työpajan palveluosasto koostuu uimahallin ja kirjaston kahviloista sekä työpajan lounasruokalasta. Lisäksi kuljetus ja työpajan siivoustoiminta ovat osa palveluosastoa. Nuoret voivat hakeutua palveluosastolle oppimaan asiakaspalvelua, tarjottavien leipomusten ja ruokien valmistamista, toimitilasiivousta sekä tavaran kuljetusta.
Mediatyöosasto tarjoaa työttömille nuorille harjoittelu- ja työllistämistukipaikkoja. Työpajajakson aikana opit uusia taitoja ko.alalta ja saat työkokemusta. Pajajakson aikana saat myös tietoa työllistymis- ja koulutusmahdollisuuksista, opastusta omien jatkosuunnitelmien tekemiseen sekä toteuttamiseen ja tarvittaessa tukea arkielämään. Mediaosastolla voi suorittaa myös alan osatutkintoja ja suorittaa opintojen työharjoittelujaksoja.
Starter group
Starter group is a low-threshold workshop for young people who need life-management support for everyday challenges and life.
Starttiosasto is a group focused on rehabilitation, where the main focus is on finding your own resources and mapping your life situation. Start coaching is low-threshold coaching in a group activity format. The content of the coaching is tailored to the needs and resources of the participants. The content consists of group discussions, self-identified interests, nature, exercise and support for overall well-being.