Open Early Childhood Education and Summer Playgrounds

Open early childhood education includes family activities, early childhood clubs and summer playground activities. Open early childhood education services are for families who are not covered by other early childhood education services. The family can use the services of open early childhood education and receive Kela’s child home care or private daycare allowance and a municipal supplement. Open early childhood education focuses on play, music, arts and crafts, physical activity and other experiences.
Open Family Activities
Open family activities provide a meeting place for families with young children in the same life situation and offer the opportunity to socialise, peer support, participation in guided activities and group work in a variety of activities. It also offers professional listening, advice and guidance, and the opportunity for inclusion.
It supports interaction between the child and the adult and supports the guardians in their parenting journey.

Application for early childhood education in open family activities
Free Early Childhood Education Clubs
There is no charge for early childhood education clubs. Early childhood education clubs offer pedagogically guided group activities and play for children aged 2-5 years. They provide children with the opportunity to participate in group activities, as well as unhurried play and other activities under the guidance of early childhood education staff.
There are free early childhood clubs in Kipparinpuisto. Kipparinpuisto’s early childhood education clubs are outdoor-oriented and run all year round.
You can apply for an early childhood club by filling in an application form. Application forms are also available at the open early childhood education centers. Vacant places are filled all year round. A written contract is made regarding the hours in the early childhood education club.
Application for early childhood education clubs