Eating in Early Childhood Education
Catering Services produce around 9 000 meals a day. The preparation of meals for early childhood education is centralized in Nanu’s production kitchen. Side dishes for main courses are prepared in service kitchens. Additionally, breakfasts, desserts, and snacks are delivered to early childhood education facilities, and dinners and evening snacks are also provided to shift daycares.

Early childhood education and care menus
More information
Information on fees
Service is free of charge.

Meal recommendation for early childhood education and care
TERVEYTTÄ JA ILOA RUOASTA – The early childhood education dietary recommendation provides general guidelines for offering health-promoting foods and food education in early childhood education. Only in Finnish.

Dietary guidelines
Nanu's production kitchen
The preparation of meals for early childhood education, Nanu Comprehensive School, and primary schools is centralized in Nanu’s production kitchen. Side dishes for main courses are prepared in service kitchens. Additionally, breakfasts, desserts, snacks are delivered to early childhood education facilities, and dinners and evening snacks are also provided to shift daycares.
Hirsikatu 12
26100 Rauma
Service location on map
Service hours
Monday-Friday 10:00-14:00
Other contact details
Telephone number
Service Supervisor, Catering Services, Nanu's Production Kitchen
+358 401726133
Contact information
Iltanen Rami
Acting Service Director, Service Manager, Catering Services
Tel. +358 44 4037917
Salonoja Taru
Service Designer, Catering Services
Tel. +358 44 4036029
Laihinen Tuija
Service Supervisor, Catering Services, Nanu’s Production Kitchen
Tel. +358 40 172 6133
Kaura Sirpa
Service Supervisor, Catering Services
Tel. +358 40 1881505
Ketola Kaisa
Service Supervisor, Catering Services
Tel. +358 44 403 7000
Kankaala Kati
temporary Service Supervisor, Catering Services
Tel. +358 44 403 7734
Sottinen Satu
Food Service Manager
Tel. +358 44 7935293
Katajamäki Hanna
Food Service Officer
Tel. +358 44 7935568