Rauma has 18 municipal day care centers and 4 private service voucher daycare centers. Applications for municipal early childhood education are made using an electronic application form. To apply for a place in a private daycare center, contact directly the preferred daycare center. Private daycare is supported by a income dependent service voucher.

Below you will find a list of daycare centers and private daycare centers in the City of Rauma, with their main contact details. In the box above you can access all the contact details of the staff of the Early Childhood Education and Care unit.

If you wish to make changes or terminate your early childhood education fee agreement, you must notify us before the changes take effect. The contract can be changed for a justified reason, such as a change in family situation, a longer period of leave, unemployment, change of job, etc.

City of Rauma Daycare Centers

Helkkilä Daycare Center and Preschool
Kahmo Daycare Center
Kaivopuisto Daycare Center
Kourujärvi Daycare Center
Lajo Daycare Center
Nummi Daycare Center
Onnela Daycare Center
Papinpelto Daycare Center
Polari Daycare Center
Pyynpää Daycare Center
Myllytonttu Daycare Center
Rauman Pikkunorssi
Sampaanala Daycare Center
Tenavakallio Daycare Center
Uotila Daycare Center
Uusilahti Daycare Center
Wänni Daycare Center

Private Service Voucher Daycare Centers

Musikatti (service voucher)
Rauma-Repola Kindergarten (service voucher)
Rauma English Kindergarten (service voucher)
Touhula Rauma Daycare Center (service voucher)