Daycare Centers

Contact details
All contact information for early childhood education can be found in the Contact section of the City of Rauma website.
Rauma has 18 municipal day care centers and 4 private service voucher daycare centers. Applications for municipal early childhood education are made using an electronic application form. To apply for a place in a private daycare center, contact directly the preferred daycare center. Private daycare is supported by a income dependent service voucher.
Below you will find a list of daycare centers and private daycare centers in the City of Rauma, with their main contact details. In the box above you can access all the contact details of the staff of the Early Childhood Education and Care unit.
If you wish to make changes or terminate your early childhood education fee agreement, you must notify us before the changes take effect. The contract can be changed for a justified reason, such as a change in family situation, a longer period of leave, unemployment, change of job, etc.
City of Rauma Daycare Centers
Helkkilä Daycare Center and Preschool
Kahmo Daycare Center
Kahmo daycare center
Kahmo daycare center has three groups and approximately 40 children. It is located in Uotila, and the kindergarten offers small group activities.
Uotilan vanhatie 2
26510 Rauma
Service location on map
Service hours
Monday-Friday 6:30-17:00
Kaivopuisto Daycare Center
Kaivopuisto daycare center
Kaivopuisto daycare center is one of the 17 municipal daycare centers in Rauma. The daycare center has six early childhood education groups. There are places available for both children under three years old and those over three years old. One of the groups is a forest group, which operates mainly in the nearby forest cabin. Additionally, the daycare has an integrated small group with some places reserved for children needing special support. In total, there are approximately 97 children in the daycare centers groups.
Kaivopuistontie 27
26100 Rauma
Service location on map
Service hours
Monday-Friday 6:30-17:00
Kourujärvi Daycare Center
Kourujärvi daycare center (Kourujärven päiväkoti )
The daycare center has four groups, one of which is the pre-school group called Reppulit (with 21 spots), located at Kourujärvi School.
The daycare center offers places for both children under three years old and those over three years old.”
Taninpolku 2
26660 Rauma
Service location on map
Service hours
Monday-Friday 6:30-17:00
Lajo Daycare Center
Lajo day care center
Lajon Daycare center is one of the municipal daycare centers in city of Rauma. There are 4 daycare groups. The daycare includes the following age groups: Nyytit (under 3 years old), Tiitiäiset (2-5 years old), Piiperoiset (3-5 years old), and an integrated small group. Lajon Daycare has approximately 67 structural places. It is located in the Lajon residential area, very close to the city center. Additionally, Lajon Daycare provides pre-primary education in a small group setting for children with special needs.
Vilkuntie 46
26100 Rauma
Service location on map
Service hours
Monday-Friday 6:30-17:00
Other contact details
Telephone number
Nummi Daycare Center
Nummen päiväkoti
Nummi daycare center is one of the municipal day care centers in city of Rauma. It has three groups: an under 3y group, a 2–4 year old group, and a 3–5 year old group. The daycare center is located at Meijerikatu 4, 26100 Rauma.
Meijerikatu 4
26100 Rauma
Service location on map
Service hours
Monday-Friday 6:30-17:00
Other contact details
Telephone number
Nummen päiväkoti
+358 447935157
Onnela Daycare Center
Onnela daycare center
Onnelan daycare center is one of the municipal daycare centers in the city of Rauma, offering a total of 42 places divided into two groups. It provides early education places for children under three years old as well as those over three years of age.
Onnelan päiväkoti is also certified with the Green Flag.
Rajasuontie 2
26840 Kortela
Service location on map
Service hours
Monday-Friday 6:30-17:00
Papinpelto Daycare Center
Papinpellon vuoropäiväkoti
Papinpellon vuoropäiväkoti is open 24/7 and provides day care places for children who need day care at nights and weekends.
The need for extended day care times need to be regular.
Itsenäisyydenkatu 5C
26100 Rauma
Service location on map
Polari Daycare Center
Polari day care center
In Polarin päiväkoti, there are three groups, groups for children under 3 years old and children over 3 years old. The preschool is at Nanu School.”
Teollisuuskatu 9 9 AB
26100 Rauma
Service location on map
Service hours
Monday 6:30-17:00
Tuesday 6:30-7:17
Wednesday-Friday 6:30-17:00
Pyynpää Daycare Center
Pyynpää day care center
Pyynpään day care center is one of the municipals day care centers in city of Rauma. There are two groups for 2–5-year-olds and one group for children under three, totaling 54 places. Pyynpään päiväkoti also manages preschool groups at Pyynpää and Kaaro schools. Kaaro school has one to two preschool groups, as well as Pyynpää school .
Pyyvahe 5
26100 Rauma
Service location on map
Service hours
Monday-Friday 6:30-17:00
Myllytonttu Daycare Center
Myllytonttu day care center
Day care center Myllytonttu is one of the municipal daycare centers in city of Rauma. Myllytonttu is located in Lappi, Rauma. It has a capacity for 66 children and there are four groups. The daycare provides early childhood education from Monday to Friday between 5:30 AM and 10:30 PM as needed.
Lapin koulu (Lapin School) has pre-primary education ( esiopetus ) associated with Myllytonttu, with supplementary early childhood education.
Myllykuja 5
27230 Lappi
Service location on map
Service hours
Monday-Friday 5:30-22:30
Rauman Pikkunorssi
Sampaanala Daycare Center
Sampaanala daycare center
In Sampaanalan päiväkoti there are four groups. These groups are formed based on the needs of children under three years old or over three years old. One of the groups is an integrated small group. Additionally, Unaja School has one preschool group. The maximum capacity at Sampaanalan päiväkoti is 77 places.
Sampaanalantie 38
26820 Rauma
Service location on map
Tenavakallio Daycare Center
Tenavakallio daycare center
Tenavakallion daycare center is one of the municipal day care centers in city of Rauma. It has two groups for children aged 2 to 5 years, and the total capacity of the daycare is up to 42 places
Lensunkalliontie 5
26660 Rauma
Service location on map
Service hours
Monday-Friday 6:30-17:00
Uotila Daycare Center
Uotila daycare center
Uotila daycare center offers places for children under three years old and those over three years old. Additionally, the daycare has an integrated small group with some places reserved for children needing special support.
Siilotie 3
26510 Rauma
Service location on map
Service hours
Monday-Friday 6:30-17:00
Uusilahti Daycare Center
Uusilahti daycare center ( Uudenlahden päiväkoti )
Uudenlahti Daycare center is one of the municipal daycare centers in city of Rauma, offering early childhood education in five groups for children both under and over three years of age , totaling approximately 94 places.
The preschool education at Pohjoiskehä School is part of Uusilahti daycare center. The school has three preschool groups, one of which is a small group for also children with special needs , and a total of 55 preschool places. In addition to preschool education, necessary supplementary early childhood education is provided in the preschool facilities.”
Uudenlahdentie 14
26200 Rauma
Service location on map
Service hours
Monday-Friday 6:30-17:00
Wänni Daycare Center
Wänni daycare center
Wännin päiväkoti, located centrally near Old Rauma, is the olders daycare center in Rauma . There is one group of 21 children called “Knypylät,” for 3–5-year-old children.
Nortamonkatu 8
26100 Rauma
Service location on map
Service hours
Monday-Friday 6:30-17:00
Private Service Voucher Daycare Centers
Musikatti (service voucher)
Musikatti’s website can be found here.
Rauma-Repola Kindergarten (service voucher)
The Rauma-Repola Kindergarten’s website can be found here.
Rauma English Kindergarten (service voucher)
Rauma English Kindergarten’s website can be found here.
Touhula Rauma Daycare Center (service voucher)
The Touhula Rauma Daycare Center’s website can be found here.