Basic Education

Basic education covers grades 1-9 and is for the whole age group, so from ages 7 to 16. During the first six years, teaching is usually provided by a class teacher who teaches all or most subjects. In the final three grades, teaching is mainly subject-based, with subject teachers teaching the different subjects.
Basic education, textbooks, other teaching materials and tools are free of charge. Pupils receive school lunches and school transport if the criteria for transport are met. Pupils are also entitled to student welfare.
In Rauma, education for grades 1-6 is provided in 12 schools, of which Rauma Freinet School is private and run by an association. Grades 7-9 are taught in three schools and grades 1-9 in two schools, one of which is the Rauma Teacher Training School (Rauman normaalikoulu) that is oprated by the University of Turku.

School Network Reform
Through the new school network reform, pupils from four schools will be transferred to other schools between 2026 and 2030.
Enrolment of New Pupils in Basic Education
The centralised enrolment of new pupils for the 1st year of primary education takes place at the beginning of February each year. After the centralised enrolment, new entrants to primary schools (e.g. those moving from elsewhere) can contact the principal of the school directly, who will make a decision on admission based on the group sizes in the school. The same procedure applies to all grades.
For more information on enrolment in 1st grade and also on starting school at other stages, see the ‘Starting School’ page.
Afternoon activities for schoolchildren are intended for grades 1–2 and pupils in grades 3–9 receiving special support. Registration for afternoon activities takes place either electronically through Wilma during the application period, or outside the application period with a separate electronic form. More information about afternoon activities can be found on the page ‘Afternoon and Summer Club Activities for Schoolchildren’.
Application for Flexible Basic Education
The flexible basic education group (jopo) started its operations in Hj. Nortamo Secondary School in autumn 2016. The group is intended for pupils in grades 8-9 in Rauma who would benefit from strong support of their motivation to study and life management, and who may have difficulties in their social relationships, low attendance rates and risk of exclusion from further education or working life.
In flexible basic education, work and study methods are activity-based, and work training, which take place almost once a month, are the pupils’ optional subject. The design takes into account the individual needs of the pupil. Teaching takes place in small groups, with contact teaching at school and guided workplace learning. Out-of-school learning, excursions and field trips are also an important part of flexible basic education. The teacher is partnered by a teacher mentor who supports pupils in various aspects of their lives.
The deadline for applications for the August 2024 intake was 28.3.2024.
Compulsory Education
All children and adolescents permanently residing in Finland are subject to compulsory education. Compulsory education starts when a child reaches the age of seven and ends when they reach the age of 18, or when they complete upper secondary education before then. An exception is extended compulsory education for a disabled or sick child, which can start at the age of 6 with pre-primary education, i.e. one year earlier than the required age. From 2021, when compulsory education was extended, every ninth-grader leaving basic education is obliged to apply for and continue secondary education, intermediate education or other compulsory education.