Children and Youth

Basic Education in the Arts and Rauma Adult Education Centre
Basic Education in the Arts in Rauma is provided by Rauma Music Institute, Rauma Art School and Rauma Theatre School.
In addition, education is provided by the Rauma Adult Education Centre, whose courses allow everyone to study and engage in leisure activities regardless of their place of residence and basic education.
Rauma school network reform
The Rauma primary school network plan and related studies have been completed and based on them two alternatives have emerged as Rauma’s new school network. In both options, students from four schools will transfer to other schools during 2026–2030. The evasive schools are Kaaro, Kortela, Kodisjoki and Vasarainen.

Rauman Lyseon lukio
Rauma Lyseon lukio is a general upper secondary school with about 680 students. It offers a wide range of courses with different learning environments.
Rauman Lyseon lukio opened in 2007, when the four upper secondary schools were merged, but the school’s history dates back to 1893.