Sata-region: avian influenza vaccination starts in Satakunta 2.7.2024 – vaccine offered to those at increased risk of infection
The avian influenza vaccines arrived in Satakunta on 26.6.2024. The vaccine (Zoonotic Influenza Vaccine Seqirius) will be entered in the national pharmaceutical register on 1.7.2024 and vaccination can start in Satakunta on 2.7.2024. The vaccination series consists of two vaccines. The second vaccine will be administered approximately 4-6 weeks (3 weeks at the earliest) after the first vaccine. The vaccinations should be given before the start of the autumn influenza season.
Why vaccinate?
The avian influenza vaccine protects people against severe disease caused by avian influenza viruses. Vaccination also prevents the avian influenza virus from mutating into a virus that can be transmitted from one person to another and thus from becoming an epidemic, or even a new pandemic.
Who should get the vaccine?
THL, in cooperation with the Food and Veterinary Office, has developed a recommendation on the target groups for avian influenza vaccination. The vaccine is offered to people aged 18 and over who, because of their job or other circumstances, are at increased risk of contracting avian influenza.
These include:
- persons in contact with fur animals in fur farms
- poultry workers who come into contact with poultry, excluding workers in slaughterhouses
- persons involved in the handling and disposal of sick or dead birds or other animals or in the cleaning of premises, such as workers in animal by-products processing plants
- ringers of birds
- persons working in bird care centres caring for wild birds
- workers in stockyards and ornithological gardens
- official veterinarians
- laboratory staff handling samples containing or likely to contain avian influenza virus
- close contacts of a suspected or confirmed case of avian influenza in case of human cases.
Appointments in Rauma by telephone
To book an appointment for vaccination in Rauma, call the Rauma Health Centre on tel. 040 180 9866 (Mon-Thu from 14:00 to 15:30) or centralised appointment 02 835 2400.