New works telling the story of lace-making in Rauma will be published at the lace exhibition opening at Poselli on 20 July

The lace exhibition will open in the Poselli Culture House on Saturday 20 July at 12 PM. The exhibition will also be accompanied by the publication of the books Raumalainen pitsinnypläys – Elinkeinosta eläväksi käsityöperinteeksi and Raumalaisia pitsejä ja mynstreitä.
The lace exhibition is a joint exhibition of Nyplääjät ry and Pitsikeskus Emelia ry. The exhibition by the lace-focused associations of Rauma celebrates both traditional Rauma lace and new trends in lace-making. The exhibition will be open daily during Lace Week. For exact opening times, please consult the Lace Week programme at
In addition to the finished lace products, the exhibition ‘The Rauma Lace-Making Tradition Before and Now’ by the Nyplääjät ry will show how lace-making and everything related to it has changed over the years. The exhibition also includes a selection from the Rauma Museum’s collection of Rauma lace samples, gathered over 130 years.
“The exhibition will show the different stages of the process, starting with the spooling of the thread, the equipment used in the process and the maintenance of the lace and tools,” says Marjo Sarmet, president of the Nyplääjät ry.
Pitsikeskus Emelia ry’s ‘Paths of Lace’ exhibition features the work of the 2023 Lace Maker of the Year Helena Orava, Sirkka Saloma’s thick yarn work from over the years and birch lace made by the Finnish chapter of OIDFA.
“Helena Orava’s section will present the history of Heinämaa lace and the new lace she has made. Sirkka Saloma, who lives in Eurajoki, has transferred the joys and sorrows of life onto her modern thick-strand lace works,” says Noora Ramberg, chairwoman of the Emelia Lace Centre.
Last year, birch lace won the Most Beautiful Section vote at the annual conference of the International Crochet and Sewn Lace Association. The execution of birch lace has involved a large number of lace-makers from all over Finland.
Lace books open up the history of lace-making and showcase designs
The City of Rauma Culture and Museum Services is publishing a new book on the history and present day of Rauma lace-making, Raumalainen pitsinnypläys – Elinkeinosta eläväksi käsityöperinteeksi. The book is written by non-fiction writer Helena Honka-Hallila and docent Pauliina Latvala-Harvilahti.
“Through the articles in the book, you can see how lace-making was transformed from a livelihood into a living craft tradition during the 20th century. Historical sources also provide new information on the lace trade in Rauma in the 1700s and 1800s. Through the life stories of the lace-makers, meaningful insights into the lives of local women at different times are revealed. The history of Rauma’s lace-making is the history of women’s work,” says Hanna-Leena Salminen, the book’s editor and museum curator.
Raumalaisia pitsejä ja mynstreitä is written by Pirjo Vänni and Helena Honka-Hallila. The book offers old Rauman lace designs for lace-makers to make. The duo have continued their research into old Rauma lace and are now publishing several designs that can be made from an old mynsteri (lace pattern) or a design adapted by Pirjo Vänni. The lace models are old, some from the 1807–1812 collection of the Finnish Economic Society, and some from the collections of private individuals and museums.
Additional program accompanying the Poselli exhibitions
The Poselli exhibition always has lace-makers on hand, and you can also try your hand at lace-making whenever the exhibition is open. There is a lace shop and the opportunity to buy raffle tickets.
On Sunday 21 July, Thella’s Coffee at 10 to 12. Bring your own lace work and come and have coffee with other lace-makers. A great opportunity for the public to see a variety of laces being made. From 12 to 4 PM, a lace-making workshop. New out of ruined or unfinished works – come and make a lace piece, there is a charge of €25 per participant, more information at
On Tuesday 23 July, Elzbieta Djubsjöbacka, textile conservator at the Rauma Museum, will be at the exhibition to talk about lace maintenance.
On Friday 26 July at 3 PM, the Fastest Lace-Maker competition will take place on the Savilanpuisto stage.